Infrastructure and Transportation Update - March 2024


The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act provides a total discretionary allocation of $89.484 billion…


On Monday, 3/4, Caltrans launched an equity tool designed to help all Californians benefit from transportation projects and identify communities most negatively impacted…

Dozens of autonomous vehicle companies, business groups and disability rights organizations are opposing a California bill that would give local governments…

Train passengers traveling in Northern California and the Central Valley will be able to enjoy a more comfortable and modern ride…

Seventeen months after a third-grader was hit and killed in a crosswalk on his way to school, parents, educators and a state lawmaker gathered…

President and Administration

U.S. traffic deaths fell 3.6 percent last year, but still, almost 41,000 people were killed on the nation’s roadways…

The National League of Cities (NLC) has released a new resource, the Civic Mapping Initiative, to help local governments and transit planners…

A second federal judge has ruled that the Transportation Department overstepped when it issued a rule requiring states…

Transit agencies should continually interact with their riders and community members to ensure services meet their needs…

The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued new light- and medium-duty vehicle regulations that mandate phased-in cuts…

On March 26, the nearly 1,000-foot-long Singapore-flagged container ship Dali reportedly lost power while sailing out of Baltimore Harbor…


On Wednesday, 3/6, Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) rolled out his campaign for chair of the House Transportation Committee…